It Starts With Me: Summer campaign 2022 briefing

ISWM Summer 2022 briefing thumbnailThe next phase of the It Starts With Me campaign will focus on raising awareness of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), alongside HIV and STI prevention strategies. Activities for the campaign will start on Monday 4 July 2022.

The campaign will remind people of the importance of looking after all aspects of their sexual wellbeing with a positive, fresh and summer-themed creative.

Resources are available to order from our portal, and our social media pack will be downloadable from our website.

Get involved and find out more in our Summer Campaign Briefing [PDF]

Social Media Pack Summer 2021: I’m ready for a hot summer

It Starts with Me Summer 2021 - Dignified

We’ve created a social media pack to make it easy for you to get involved in the summer phase of the It Starts With Me campaign.

Key messages

The campaign will remind people of the importance of looking after all aspects of their sexual wellbeing with a positive, fresh and summer-themed creative, it will:

  • Remind people how to protect themselves from HIV, STIs and unplanned pregnancy.
  • Prepare people to be sexually active again and encourage them to think about the type of sex they want to enjoy.

What’s in the pack?

  • Images: a selection of correctly sized images for use on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social network.
  • Suggested posts: examples of posts for Facebook and Instagram plus tweets for Twitter.
  • Links: the suggested posts for Facebook and Twitter also contain links to online tools and information from It Starts With Me and Sexwise.

NEW: for this campaign we have also created landscape digital posters for hospital and clinic TV screens and digital displays in bars and other social venues.

If you have trouble accessing the pack online please contact with your organisations requirements (i.e. social media platform etc.).

It Starts With Me summer campaign 2021: Ready for a hot summer?

The next phase of the It Starts With Me campaign will focus on raising awareness of good sexual health and wellbeing as England continues to emerge out of lockdown. The campaign will launch on Monday 17 May 2021 and will continue until the end of June, with minimal social media promotion starting Thursday 6 May 2021.

People are keen to return to the things they find pleasure in: socialising, going out and, of course, enjoying sex. The digitally based campaign will remind people how to have sex safely, how they can protect themselves and their sexual partners from HIV, STIs and unplanned pregnancy, and to encourage them to think about the sex they want to enjoy this summer.

Read and download the Summer 2021 Campaign Briefing [PDF].

Check out our social media pack for summer 2021