New PrEP campaign launching in October 2020

The next phase of the It Starts With Me campaign will focus on raising awareness of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Black African communities. It will start on Monday 19 October 2020.

Campaign update: Download the social media resource pack here. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Black African men and women continue to be over-represented in the rates of new HIV diagnoses every year, but do not have the same levels of knowledge and awareness of PrEP compared to other groups affected by HIV.

This campaign will encourage Black Africans to have more in-depth conversations on PrEP with community educators and clinical experts. To support this, the campaign will include Q&As between key experts via radio phone-ins, live video sessions on social media, targeted TV chat-shows and influencer-led conversations via relevant podcasts.

We encourage the sector to get involved and support the campaign. You could:

  • Share our social media assets and key campaign messages through your communications channels
  • Direct people to our online PrEP Quiz and information pages on the It Starts With Me website
  • Organise your own virtual events and information sessions to discuss the key questions people have about PrEP
  • Review your local HIV prevention resources to ensure they are fully up-to-date and include clear and accessible information about PrEP.

Social media pack for It Starts With Me, summer 2019

 I'm stopping HIVOur social media pack will help you promote the summer phase of the It Starts With Me campaign on your social media channels. The summer activity launched on Wednesday 19 June 2019.


Once again we are raising awareness and promoting actions of the various ways to prevent HIV such as condoms, testing, PrEP and treatment using a creative with a summery feel to it, refreshed from last year.

The tagline for the summer activity is ‘I’m stopping HIV.’. Under the tagline, an explanation of how each of the models is stopping HIV is outlined.

The people featured in the campaign images and videos are a mixture of people living with and without HIV.


Our social media hashtag is #ImStoppingHIV

Hashtags are not case sensitive so using #imstoppinghiv would work as well – we’ve just used capitals to make it easier to read what the hashtag is about.

What’s in the pack?

Images: a selection of images for use on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any another social network.

Links: to information on the various ways of preventing HIV. There are links to interactive tools that:

  • Recommend the best condom to use,
  • assess when someone should get tested,
  • help to choose a type of test based on preference and suitability,
  • help to find local testing services.

Suggested posts: examples of posts for Facebook and Instagram as well as tweets for Twitter.


Share these YouTube videos via your social media channel:

Download to share via your own channels and use in clinics and waiting rooms:

Additional videos are available via both our YouTube channel (for sharing) and Vimeo (for downloads) channels featuring treatment and testing messaging.


Images for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be downloaded via Dropbox.

If you’re unable to access Dropbox at your place or work please contact us to request zip files of our digital assets.

Suggested tweets and posts with links to the It Starts With Me online tools can be downloaded here [DOCX]

Calls to action

Learn: we want people to understand the different ways to prevent HIV and why they are important.

Make a choice: we want people to choose how they reduce the chance of getting HIV by:

  • choosing the right fitting condom,
  • finding out if they need to get tested for HIV, where to do it and the different ways they can via the tools on our website,
  • understanding what PrEP is, how it works and how to access it,
  • encouraging people living with HIV to access and adhere to treatment for health benefits for themselves and for the added advantage of not having to worry about passing it on to anyone else.

Educate: share the information from the campaign messages with friends, family and on social media.

It Starts With Me Summer Campaign 2019

Combination Prevention

The summer phase of the It Starts With Me campaign will begin on Wednesday 19 June 2019.

I'm Stopping HIV - Nicholas

The focus of this phase will be on raising awareness and promoting actions to take on the various ways to prevent HIV: testing, treatment, condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

Who this briefing is for

  • Commissioners of sexual health services.
  • Public health and health promotion professionals working in sexual health.
  • Sexual health and primary care clinicians.
  • Sexual health community outreach workers.
  • Community, cultural and faith leaders from key communities.
  • Pharmacists and allied health professionals who provide services to people from key communities.

The purpose of this briefing

This briefing provides information about:

  • everything you need to know about the summer campaign,
  • how you can get involved,
  • what support you can get from HPE,
  • what combination prevention is and why it is important.

Campaign resources will be available to order from the HPE portal from Wednesday 5 June 2019.

Find out more in our campaign briefing [PDF].