National HIV Testing Week 2021 recap

We’re proud that National HIV Testing Week (NHTW) 2021 was an outstanding success despite being a very different event to the one we are all used to.

This NHTW our partners across the sector continued to show passion and enthusiasm as they engaged their local populations, albeit virtually and largely through social media channels this year.

Our campaign highlights include:

  • NHTW’s most successful day ever with a record-breaking 8,200 HIV test kits requested on Monday 1 February. Popularity for HIV test kits was so high during this year’s event that Public Health England (PHE) funded an additional 10,000 kits, enabling even more people to know their HIV status.
  • Our NHTW messaging was amplified across mainstream and social media, and the major broadcasters by Channel 4 drama It’s A Sin which has continued to influence conversations about HIV as the series comes to a close on Friday.
  • More than 60 MPs testing for HIV at home, showing how easy it is to test, and engaging in important discussions based on the HIV Commission’s recommendations regarding the normalisation and increased access to testing.
  • Celebrities and influencers including Dr Ranj, Great British Bake Off star and podcaster Michael Chakraverty, Nigerian sexologist Amos Sanasi, influential trans writer Juno Dawson, and many, many more promoting the campaign through social channels via takeover events and video messages on the importance of HIV testing.

We know thanks to the success of this year’s campaign many of our stakeholders are interested to know the impact of testing kit uptake in their local area. PHE will be undertaking a review of the data over the next couple of months once most of the tests have been returned.

National HIV Testing Week evaluation results

Thank you to everyone who responded to our NHTW evaluation survey.

We received 71 responses, with more than 80% of respondents working in HIV or sexual health community organisations (41%), Sexual health clinics (32%) and Local Authorities (10%). Approximately one third of responses came from London (17%) and the South East (17%), and 14% from the North West region.

Headline results

NHTW continues to receive high levels of support from key stakeholders working in HIV prevention:

  • 94% of respondents will support NHTW in future
  • 97% agree NHTW is a valuable addition to their HIV prevention efforts


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was the biggest theme to emerge from the survey. There was a clear consensus that the campaign had managed to maintain its effectiveness despite the challenges of being a virtual event and without physical testing being able to take place this year.

It is felt there is need for a strong NHTW campaign in future, when conditions allow for the support of physical outreach and health promotion. There was a clear call for commissioners to support local HIV prevention efforts and show an interest in their work “so that more people in the community can be reached and get tested, leaving no one behind”.

Unsurprisingly the results of the survey show the clear differences between the virtual 2021 campaign and NHTW 2019:

  • 82% used the social media pack (NHTW 2019: 67%)
  • 58% ordered physical resources (NHTW 2019: 82%)
  • 32% delivered more tests than usual (NHTW 2019: 54%)

NHTW 2021 still had an impact on target communities

Despite the changes of circumstance to the delivery of this year’s campaign, stakeholders still reported high levels of perceived impact in their local communities:

  • 92% increased awareness of HIV testing amongst clients and the local community (equal to NHTW 2019)
  • 78% agree NHTW has increased their organisations capacity to impact their community/clients (NHTW 2019: 83%)
  • 32% raised the profile and support of HIV testing by engaging high-level public individuals (NHTW 2019: 26%)
  • Reactive HIV tests

We asked organisations who provide HIV testing if they had any reactive tests during the campaign.

  • Ten reactive tests were reported during NHTW 2021, more than NHTW 2019 (6).

Furthermore, all but one tests in 2019 were reported by community organisations, during NHTW 2021 the clear impact of the lack of physical HIV testing meant that all reactive tests were found in sexual health services (SHS). The increase in availability of online (or self-testing/self-sampling) via SHS appears to have also played a role in this change.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the evaluation survey and supported the 2021 campaign.

Get ready for National HIV Testing Week

National HIV Testing Week starts on Monday 1 February 2021.

National HIV Testing Week is a campaign to promote regular testing among the most affected population groups in England. This helps to reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those diagnosed late.

The campaign continues last year’s success and features celebrities and influencers promoting ‘Give HIV the finger: a finger-prick test is all it takes’.

We are inviting organisations to participate by running online and virtual campaign events and promoting HIV testing and prevention services with our support.

How to get involved

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage you to promote testing at home to your local populations and community.

To find out more about how you can support this exciting event download and read our National HIV Testing Week 2021 campaign briefing [PDF].


Free resources to promote HIV testing this National HIV Testing Week are now available to order.

Log in to order leaflets, posters and merchandise to support your National HIV Testing Week activities.

NEW! All printed resources are also available to download as digitised PDFs for use in activities including online support groups and virtual outreach events.

Order your resources now.

National HIV Testing Week 2019 Social Media Pack

We’ve created a social media pack to make it easy for you to get involved in National HIV Testing Week 2019 and promote local activities, as well as the opportunity to order a free postal test through It Starts With Me.

What’s in the pack?

  • Images: a selection of correctly sized images for use on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social network.
  • Suggested posts: examples of posts for Facebook and Instagram plus tweets for Twitter.
  • Links: the suggested posts for Facebook and Twitter also contain links to the It Starts With Me online testing tools and the self-sampling postal test service.

Download via Dropbox

Download via Wetransfer (link updated 11 November)

Key messages

This year, the campaign will feature celebrities and influencers promoting ‘Give HIV the finger: a finger-prick test is all it takes’, a continuation of the successful creative that we have run for the last two years.

Our key messages for this year’s campaign are:

  • Testing for HIV is easy, all it takes is a finger-prick test.
    People can live with HIV for a long time without any symptoms, testing is the only way to know your HIV status.
    Anyone diagnosed with HIV in the UK can access free treatment and support.
    If you have HIV, finding out means you can start treatment, stay healthy and avoid passing the virus onto anyone else.
    There are more ways than ever to test – in a sexual health service, your GP, through community organisations and via online testing.


This year’s hashtag is #HIVTestWeek. Hashtags are not case sensitive so using #hivtestweek would work as well – we’ve just used capitals to make it easier to read what the hashtag is about.

Coming soon: campaign videos.