Social Media Pack – I Can’t Pass On HIV

We’ve created a social media pack to help you promote the spring campaign from HIV Prevention England.

The campaign will launch on Monday 16 April so we urge you not to start using the resources provided until then please.


The campaign will raise awareness that people living with HIV who are on treatment and have an undetectable viral load cannot pass on the virus to someone else sexually, even if condoms are not used during sex.

The tagline for the campaign is ‘I can’t pass on HIV’. All of the people featured in the campaign images and videos are living with HIV.

For more information on the campaign please see our campaign briefing [PDF].

What’s in the pack?

Images: A selection of images for use on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform.

Suggested posts: Examples of posts for Facebook and Twitter.

Download pack (excluding videos)

Videos: We have four videos available to download separately.

Treatment infographic video – A short animated infographic video explaining the importance of treatment.

Tom’s Story – Tom has been living with HIV for over five years and explains how treatment has changed his life.

Mercy’s Story – Mercy talks about being undetectable and being able to have children while living with HIV.

George’s Story – George speaks about being undetectable and how that has changed his life for the better.

What are we asking people to do?

There are three things that we are encouraging people to do during thing campaign.

Spread the word: People can share information on the campaign messages.

Get tested: Find out if they need to get tested for HIV, where to get tested and the different ways of getting tested by using the tools on our website

Take medication: For people already diagnosed with HIV we are encouraging them to access treatment. This benefits their own health and has the added advantage of not having to worry about passing HIV on to anyone else.

Presentations from the 2017 National HIV Prevention England Conference

On 18 May 2017 HIV Prevention England (HPE) hosted its biennial national HIV prevention conference in London.

More than 300 professionals were in attendance from all over England and beyond. To date, there have been over 200 views of the event livestream.

If you missed the event or specific workshops, please see all the available presentations on our events page. If you have any questions regarding individual presentations, email us and we will get back to you.

Plenary Sessions


  • Combination Prevention [Video]
  • HIV Prevention Innovation Fund: Project Showcase
  • Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men
  • HIV Testing in Community Settings
  • PrEP: From Trial to Reality [Video]
  • Home Sampling and Self Testing
  • Engaging African Communities
  • Systems Approaches to Testing and Prevention

Watch the National HIV Prevention England Conference

On Thursday 18 May, HIV Prevention England hosted its biennial national HIV prevention conference in central London.

Key highlights of the conference included:

  • Overview of the changes in new diagnoses rates in London and across England; and the part which combination prevention plays on HIV incidence.
  • Update on the state of the upcoming PrEP IMPACT trial set to start in summer 2017.
  • The effect of rapid initiation of treatment on HIV transmission (Treatment as Prevention).
  • Presentation on the current state of investment in HIV prevention and testing services in England

Download the livestream programme [PDF]

If you experience any issues with the broadcast please email [email protected].