National HIV Testing Week (NHTW) is our flagship annual event which seeks to promote regular testing in England, particularly among groups most affected by HIV. Regular testing helps to reduce the numbers of undiagnosed people and those diagnosed late, as well as raise awareness and increase knowledge of HIV to reduce stigma.
The campaign strapline is ‘I Test.’, which is featured across all National HIV Testing Week materials. ‘I Test.’ is followed by various sub messages, such as ‘because HIV can affect anyone’ or ‘HIV testing is quick, confidential and free’. These sub messages allow flexibility to explore people’s different reasons for testing, which responds to the needs of diverse audiences.
During National HIV Testing Week, people can order free tests online. They can either order a self test for HIV or a self-sampling kit to test for HIV and syphilis.
Every year, we invite organisations to get involved with National HIV Testing Week in various ways, including running events, providing and promoting HIV testing, and raising awareness of HIV prevention in person and online. HIV Prevention England support participating organisations by providing branded resources such as T-shirts, hats and stickers, as well as information leaflets on HIV prevention.
You can order free resources through the HPE portal: hperesources.org.uk
If you want to find out more about National HIV Testing Week or would like some advice and support about how to get involved, please email [email protected]