HPE Conference 2020 registration now open

HPE Conference 2020 registration open - tuesday 18 february, mary ward house, london

Please note our first release tickets have now sold out and our waiting list is open.

We’re delighted to announce that registration for the HPE Conference 2020 is now open.

The conference programme will explore ways to improve the nation’s sexual health, reduce the rising rates in sexually transmitted infections and reach zero new HIV diagnoses by 2030.

This event will provide a platform for open discussion as well as practical learning opportunities that delegates can take back to their organisations, clinics and other places of work.

The conference will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2020 at the Mary Ward House Conference Centre in central London. It is free to attend for all those working in sexual health and HIV prevention.

Conference registration

When: Tuesday 18 February 2020
Where: Mary Ward House, 7 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9SN

Register today

HPE Conference 2020: Call for abstracts

HPE Conference 2020 - save the date - 18 February 2020

HIV Prevention England will be hosting the national HIV prevention conference on Tuesday 18 February 2020 in central London. Registration for the conference will open in November 2019 and attendance is free for all those working in HIV prevention.

The conference will provide a platform for open discussion as well as practical learning opportunities that delegates can take back to their organisations, clinics and other places of work.

Conference themes

HPE has worked with stakeholders across the sector to produce these conference themes. We welcome abstracts which can influence and contribute to good health, not only around HIV but also in the specialties of sexual and reproductive health (SRH).

Getting to zero – reaching the last 8%

  • Combination prevention: addressing communities beyond those already engaged with established prevention methods e.g. testing, PrEP etc.
  • Sexual networks: identifying and engaging ‘underground’ sexual networks affected by HIV and poor sexual health.
  • Prevention and attitudes to sexual health in non-metropolitan and rural communities.

Social justice: stigma, discrimination and inequalities

  • HIV, sexual and reproductive health inequalities in key population subgroups.
  • Attitudes to HIV and good sexual health in the era of Treatment as Prevention.
  • Language and terminology: the impact on community engagement.

Systems strengthening

  • Holistic approaches to HIV and SRH.
  • New models of prevention and care for people living with and affected by HIV and STIs, including primary and secondary health services.
  • Building sustainable partnerships outside the HIV sector.
  • Learnings from HIV prevention: how can these be applied to combat the rise in STIs?

Working differently: challenging status quos in HIV prevention work in the UK

  • Challenging silo-working and community gatekeepers.
  • Alternatives to the disproportionate focus on social marketing campaigns or biomedical interventions.

The future of commissioning

  • Approaches to increasing demand for integrated HIV and SRH services: preventing resource shortfalls and other system risks.
  • The role of the private sector: how can diagnostics, pharmaceuticals and mobile geo-networking app corporations maximise public health impact together with the HIV and SRH sectors.

Abstract submission process

Submission period now closed.

HIV Prevention England Conference 2020

HIV Prevention England Conference 2020

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the national HIV prevention conference on Tuesday 18 February 2020 in central London.

It will be free to attend for all those working in HIV prevention in England. Save the date!

Registration for the conference will open in November 2019.

Please note that the abstract submission period will start in September 2019 and we encourage submissions from all our stakeholders.