The National HIV Prevention England Conference will be held on Thursday 18 May 2017 in central London.
It will bring together partners in HIV prevention including sexual health commissioners, health promoters, sexual health and HIV service providers, faith leaders working in England and other key figures and influencers in the field of HIV. The conference has the aim of facilitating the dissemination and development of best practice, alongside disseminating learning from the PHE Innovation Fund and other projects.
Download the programme [PDF]
- Innovation in HIV prevention
- Innovation in HIV testing
- Community engagement/mobilisation and face-to-face interventions
- Partnership working
- Engagement with and cooperation across the HIV prevention sector
- Increased understanding of the latest developments and current issues in HIV testing and prevention in England
- Delegates can take away at least one new idea for local implementation
Response to past HPE conference (2014)
87 per cent of previous delegates agreed that they would ‘recommend the HPE conference to other people concerned with HIV prevention with at risk populations’.
Three quarters (74 per cent) of delegates agreed they had ‘increased their understanding of the latest developments and current issues in HIV prevention in England’, and 64 per cent agreed they had been ‘inspired to try at least one new idea in their local work practice’.
Register for the event