National HIV testing trends and gaps during COVID-19: Latest data from UKHSA

This National HIV Testing Week, join us for an expert webinar with Dr Alison Brown and Dr Nicky Connor from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), where they share the latest insights from the newly-published HIV testing and new diagnoses surveillance data.

This event will focus on the experiences of England in 2020, during the emergence and early peak of the COVID-19 pandemic; the associated lockdown restrictions and their impact on access and uptake of HIV testing services.

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European Testing Week 2020: Testing vulnerable populations in COVID-19 restricted contexts

Together with European Testing Week, HIV Prevention England is hosting a webinar on Monday 23 November 2020 looking at testing vulnerable populations during the pandemic.

This interactive session will provide a brief overview of how providers have addressed the challenges and maximised opportunities during lockdown and other COVID-19- restricted contexts to continue to reach particularly vulnerable populations to provide testing for Blood-Borne Viruses, including HIV and Hepatitis.

Register here

While this November we are supporting European Testing Week 2020, we remind colleagues that, owing to COVID-19, England’s own National HIV Testing Week has been postponed to 1-7 February 2021.

Community HIV testing and COVID-19

Community HIV testing and COVID-19

HIV Prevention England and NAT (National AIDS Trust) invite you to join us for this online event exploring how to deliver safe and effective community HIV testing in the current context of COVID-19, and launching NAT’s two new toolkits, created to support the effective design and evaluation of community HIV testing.

Community-based HIV testing is a valuable contributor to the effort to end HIV transmissions in England. By drawing on the best practice of current community testing providers, these toolkits explore the key questions to consider when designing and delivering community testing interventions in England. They also support stronger evaluation of interventions to ensure that lessons are learned and national understanding of community testing is improved.

This event is intended for:

  • Providers and commissioners of community testing.
  • Community organisations interested in setting up testing interventions.
  • Wider colleagues in sexual and public health.

NAT’s community testing project was funded through the Public Health England Innovation Fund and some of the content of the toolkits is specific to England. However, the toolkits and discussion will still be likely to have relevance in other parts of the UK.

HIV Prevention England and a wider Advisory Group have supported NAT throughout the project.

When: 3.30-5pm, Wednesday 26 August 2020

Register for this event