HIV Prevention England highlights 2016-2021

HPE is proud of our achievements and contribution to England’s HIV prevention efforts during the past five years. Our work has focused on three key areas:

  • Social marketing
  • Local activation
  • Sector engagement and professional development

Social marketing highlights

  • Opportunities to see: over 900 million opportunities to see our campaigns.
  • Press and PR: coverage in 5k+ press articles.
  • Website: 1.2 million visits resulting in 730k uses of website tools that include tools to check when one should test for HIV, choose the right condom or find out if they might benefit from PrEP.
  • Campaign recognition: average of 81% for gay and bisexual men (GBM), and 59% for people of Black African ethnicity (BA).
  • Motivation to act: 76% GBM and 70% BA said they were motivated to act and take an action as a result of HPE campaigns.
  • Took action: 81% GBM and 59% BA reported taking an action as a result of HPE campaigns.
  • Self-sampling kits: HPE is responsible for the promotion of PHE’s self-sampling programme. 126,838 kit orders (68% GBM, 7% BA heterosexuals and 24% other population groups). Returned kits had a 0.84% reactivity rate.
  • National HIV Testing Week: established national HIV testing as a key calendar event for the HIV response in England.
  • Awards:
    • Overall Innovation Award: BMA Patient Information Awards.
    • Best Practice Paper: European Social Marketing Conference.

Local activation

Supporting social marketing activities:

  • 31 Local Activation partners
  • One-to-one information and advice: 75k people seen (39k GBM and 32K BA).
  • Community HIV testing: 16.4K tests (8k GBM and 5.4k BA).

Sector engagement and professional development

  • More than 400 organisations got involved in HPE campaigns annually.
  • 20 professional development events held, including the HIV Prevention England Conference with more than 900 participants from the HIV sector.
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies developed with key stakeholders:
    • GP Engagement Strategy
    • Faith Engagement Strategy.

HIV Prevention in 2018: Round-up

As the year draws to a close there is much to celebrate within the HIV sector. The UK’s achievement of reaching the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals ahead of the 2020 target is something that we can all be proud of. We now know that in the UK:

  • 92% of people living with HIV are diagnosed
  • 98% of these people are on treatment
  • 97% of these people are virally suppressed

As outlined in the latest Public Health England (PHE) ‘Progress towards ending the HIV epidemic in the UK: 2018 report’ [PDF], this success is down to the combination prevention approach which is now at the forefront of the sector’s efforts to eliminate new HIV transmissions.

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